Johanna de GrootDr Johanna de Groot had a traditional catholic background, with 24 years experience living the life of a sister in a teaching order based on the Benedictine Spirituality. She developed an interest in Comparative Religion since the Vatican II (1965). Over the years her interest has deepened and expanded into processes and understandings that bridge subjective (spiritual) experiences with mainstream objective sciences.

She is a member of the Scientific and Medical Network, an organisation comprising scientists, medical professionals and discerning thinkers who question and investigate beyond the standard Western (Classical-Newtonian) world-view.

Her "Ladder of Credibility" offers a useful framework by which we may investigate anomalous phenomena, particularly in the area of subjective spiritual experiences.

She has combined her extensive teaching background with practical experience in Social Work, with a particular interest in Mental Illness.

With long experience in counselling, Dr de Groot now specialises in speaking, writing and consulting on the practical, living interface between science, the humanities and religion.


  • BSW (Hons), Dip. Ed, Ph.D (Mental Health)