Articles and courses on Business development, sales, entrepreneurial strategies, innovation and intuition based on the physics of possibility (quantum theory and facts)

Managing Successful Projects

Successful project managers are masters of time management, understand human dynamics, and exhibit expertise in the many areas contributing to a project’s success

Managing Successful Projects–Real World Skills for Project Managers & Teams is a highly participative two-day program geared to both novice and experienced project managers. The course addresses the four major project management phases and the human dynamics critical to successful project completion.


Spring clean

I'm in the process of moving, and I've decided to give to friends various books that I've enjoyed, but no longer wish to keep.

When reading books that I've purchased I highlight sections for quick future reference, and any books in my library without highlights usually means I didn't find anything of particular interest in the book. So before handing on a few, I've decided those that did grab my interest, to transcribe the highlighted sections, and rather than put in some quote file (which I'll soon forget), I've decided to post here.

The business value of purpose and meaning

As many business entrepreneurs appreciate, the really important things in starting and running a business are primarily 'mental' -- it's our vision to make a difference, to do things better and to test ourselves that fuels and motivates.

But what about the people that we employ?

It should be no great surprise that for "businesses that pay most regard to the deeper needs of their employees are the ones that perform best."1

The challenge faced when creating a strong, vibrant culture in a business is the intangible 'mental' dimensions - what we think, feel and believe about our work, fellow employees, customers, the work environment etc.