This section contains articles that use the Key Principles to reveal the deeper/non-Darwinian (meta-physical - "quantum/psycho/social/spiritual") causes of sexuality and gender differences, together with useful insights into relationships.

Topics that are, or will be covered, include:

  • Why men and male animals tend more to be the competitive warriors
  • Why women tend to live longer
  • The reasons for the sexual double standard
  • The origin of the virginal Madonna and the 'damned whore' dichotomy
  • Why women have tended to marry up, men down
  • Why men prefer to partner beauty and youth; women prefer to partner money, power and status
  • Why traditionally women couldn't read maps', and men wouldn't listen
  • The reasons for the preponderance of male warriors, murderers, scientists, autistics
  • The reasons for paedophilia and pornography
  • The (non-Darwinian) reasons for polygamy
  • Why men have traditionally preferred virgins

Applying Key Principles

  1. Moving beyond limiting and pernicious Darwinian 'natural selection' theories
  2. The power of complementary masculine and feminine energies
  3. Key principles for relationships

Key Principle of Life, for Life No. 2

KPLL No.2 affirms the inability to meaningfully analyse parts independent of their relationship to the whole (as any independence requires nonsense disconnects that are meaningless and contrary to KPLL No. 1).

The world around us co-exists with us at-once -- no science, at least none that rely on measurable confirmations (reliant on speed-of-light delays) can fully and entirely confirm that at-once nature. That is to say, there will remain a fullness (wholeness) to life that will not be fully revealed by scientific inquiry.

Key Principle of Life, For Life No. 2:
All occurs at once

Individuals and communities exist at-once.
‘Parts’ and ‘wholes’ have validity, reality and purpose
through an at-once interdependence of each other.


The Complementarity of Consciousness

[Reprinted with permission, posted 12 October, 2010, 4:50pm, by Stephen Pirie]

The concept of complementarity, originally proposed by Bohr in a microphysical context, and subsequently extended by himself, Heisenberg and Pauli to encompass subjective as well as objective dimensions of human experience, can be further expanded to apply to many common attitudes of human consciousness. At issue is the replacement of strict polar opposition of superficially antithetical consciousness capacities, such as analysis and synthesis, logic and intuition, or doing and being, by more generous conjugation that allows pairs to operate in constructive triangulation and harmony. In this format the physical principle of uncertainty also acquires metaphoric relevance in limiting the attainable sharpness of specifications of any consciousness complements, and may serve to define their optimum balance in establishing reality. These principles thus lend themselves to representation of wave-like vs. particle-like operations of consciousness; to trade-offs between rigor and ambience in consciousness research; to generic masculine/feminine reinforcement; and to the interplay of science and spirit in any creative enterprise.


* Revised version of a presentation to the L.E. Rhine Centenary Conference, “Cultivating Consciousness for Enhancing Human Potential, Wellness, and Healing,” November 8-10, 1991