© 2012, Frank Juszczyk, Ph.D.

Waves of potentialWAYVionics is an alternative reality impeller, a resource and motivational guide for those seeking to expand their sense of being into unknown and unthought-of possibilities. But this unlimited creative potential is also what makes WAYVionics so difficult to convey to those not yet attuned to the free-fall experience it offers.

The intrinsic flaw in trying to inform people of something they don’t yet know and cannot even imagine is overlooking the stranglehold their core-belief system has on them. No matter what marvelously intriguing alternatives WAYVionics may put before them, they inevitably filter and reconfigure them to conform to what they may add to their store of the filtered and reconfigured known, but not actually replace it with something so new and unique that what they already know becomes irrelevant.

Take the fundamental quantum physics principle of the Observer Effect. Being informed that the very act of observing creates the experience of physical reality out of formerly non-physical quantum wave potential, the average person will relate that information to his or her habitual mindset, cluttered with names, labels, and learned responses, and then evaluate, judge, and categorize what has been heard within the context of that mindset. In other words, the news that everything first exists as wave potential will not shut down most people’s inner conviction that they are justified in glibly passing judgment on something about which they are totally clueless. They never pause to question the validity of the very source—the core reality—on which their inner conviction is based. Whatever their reaction, the proper follow-up question to such instinctive but baseless complacency would be, “What reality are you basing that on?” The essential nature of reality is assumed by most to be what they live by, what they use to meet their daily needs, and which is amply proved by repeated practical application. Yet, informed that they could very well be “winging it”, that is, continually substituting a learned semblance of reality for a mind-boggling, non-physical, hyper-dimensional, and infinite play of spiraling vortices of interconnected energies, they never consider incorporating that absolutely quintessential knowledge into the conduct of their lives. Seemingly, on hearing such a revolutionary proposition, most people’s thought processes would suddenly be suspended by the enormity of the idea’s vast implications. Not so. They ponder the idea, using all the delusional assumptions about the physical universe with which they have been programmed from birth and try to integrate the new information into their existing, but contradictory notions of what constitutes reality. At best, they try to formulate a workable accommodation that allows them to maintain the authority of their mindset and core-belief system. At worst, they either reject the idea out of hand, or admit that the idea is beyond their understanding, having been formulated by exceptionally brainy people who entertain such speculations, but who live apart from common-sense experience and have no effect upon it at all.

The crux of the problem is the completely fictional impression everyone has that he or she has a personal identity. On what is that identity based? Thoughts, expectations, habits, and memories make up the reality of most people’s experience of the world and, reflexively, who they think they are. Drawing on these scattered and unstable components, one establishes his conviction that there is an objective basis for his views on the nature of reality, and that he singularly embodies a personal awareness and expression of what constitutes that reality. Further, the left brain, because it loves to tell stories, especially dramatic ones, creates a storyline for your life. This is something seemingly substantial that you can hang your mindset on. Now you have an identity with a personal life that justifies your mindset. There is a consistent “you” who remembers its past, experiences the present, and plans for its future. Given those conditions, a mindset is inevitable. So compelling is this bogus melodrama that, the more closed and rigid the mindset, the more assertively does the possessor of it declare that he doesn’t have one. A mindset always has an unshakable faith in itself.

How to bridge the gap? How can an unconsciously assumed and utterly pervasive delusion about a state of being be removed to allow for a greater and more easily adaptable state of being? That is the challenge faced by WAYVionics. Nothing short of a complete alteration or reconfiguration of consciousness can allow for a change of such magnitude. This is the province of severe shock, major psychological trauma, a near-death experience, or overwhelming loss. Anything less can be reassimilated into “reality as usual”, or “That’s the way things are,” and the strangling core belief in an independently existing objective reality is maintained.

Practically everyone is defensive about his perception of reality out of simple fear. “If I’m wrong about what I know, how can I protect myself, and worse, am I who I’ve always thought I was in the first place?” or, “If I don’t know what I’ve been told I need to know, how can I function and be accepted and admired by those who do know?”

This is a daunting barricade to overcome. When the central ideas of WAYVionics are presented, the listener instantly tries to relate them to what he already knows and takes to be his solid reality. This immediately falsifies what WAYVionics is about and dilutes it into the equivalent of metaphysical small talk. What is needed and so seldom occurs is an encounter with someone who is willing to know the truth, which means being willing at first to be wrong about what one thinks is the truth and, further, being willing to admit to not knowing what the truth is. In WAYVionics, the operative dynamic is not so much being “willing” to know, but “allowing” knowing to take place. A mindset that is “willing to know” does so as an aspect of a core belief in enlightened ideals: “one should be open to new ideas”, “one should accept differences in people’s perspectives”. This is tolerance, not unconditional knowing, and it is an adornment of a particular mindset.

WAYVionics involves “volunteering to allow”, or “volunteering an allowance”. Choosing to allow something is still too deliberate in intention to be WAYVionics. To volunteer means to offer service without necessarily determining in advance what that service entails. Allowing something also implies an action of choice. You choose to permit something as a conscious action. But if you volunteer your allowance, you are in effect choosing to abandon choice altogether. It is an abandonment of choice. You are saying, “I volunteer or give freely all personal preferences and acts of individual determination to an unknowable experience over which I have no control whatsoever. This sounds very much like surrender, but surrender conveys an element of victimization, a name or label that carries way too much psychological baggage to be an appropriate aspect of volunteering your allowance.

When you volunteer your allowance, you are allowing free passage of all wave potential without the Observer Effect, at least without having the Effect conditioned by your mindset. Your deliberative mind does not collapse wave potential into specific things through conditioned thought, expectation, or memory. You trust the unknown. This allowance creates endless possibilities to exist in superposition or all at once. You are allowing for a de-localization of consciousness, the abandonment of the localized Self.

Your allowance is made with the same spirit of excited delight as beginning a game of tag or hide-and-seek. You are allowing a state of play in which anything can happen. Remember a time when, as a child, you were having a sleep-over with a friend. At some point, the two of you got into a silly mood. Your father, let’s say, has told you it’s time for bed, to turn out the light and go to sleep. For some reason, this makes the two of you sillier. You get the giggles. Pretty soon, a stern voice (actually the voice of the left hemisphere of your brain) warns, “Don’t make me come in there! I’ve told you to go to sleep, and I mean it!” This makes you giggle all the more, and the more your parental voice warns and threatens you about your silly behavior, the funnier everything seems until you finally give in to uncontrollable laughter. This is where you want your consciousness to be—outside of the nagging parental control of your rational mind. Let’s call it “the downstairs mind”. Whatever is going on downstairs isn’t nearly as much fun as what is going on upstairs where the giggling is.

Downstairs is where your mindset is. Upstairs cannot contain a mindset. It is momentary, discontinuous, and volatile. WAYVionics is about being upstairs, being momentary, discontinuous, and volatile. WAYVionics is about not doing what your parental left brain is telling you to do. WAYVionics is about giggling and being silly so as to erase a mindset altogether and become open to all possibilities, even those you can’t imagine. The philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein was perceptive enough to see past his own philosophical mindset, advising, “Never stay up on the barren heights of cleverness, but come down into the green valleys of silliness.” His metaphor switched the up/down relationship of the sleep-over, but he was advising serious adults, not playful children.

Try this. Lightly tap the crown point on the top of your head, site of the anterior fontanelle, the Xinhui or GV-22 acupuncture point, and the Crown Chakra, with your middle finger just once and feel the rush of pure wave potential down through your body and out the bottoms of your feet, spreading outward in ever-expanding ripples or waves into infinity. Let your localized Self collapse and dissolve into the wave potential as it sweeps downward and outward into limitless being. Feel the sudden expansion of the field of your heart in all directions, allowing all that is to be all that you are, and all that you are to be all that is.

What do you need to meditate for? Why do you need to adopt the yoga lifestyle? Why sit in zazen for days on end or try to manipulate the elusive Qi through Qigong movements and postures? Why chant or make affirmations? Why adopt purifying disciplines such as special. diets or breathing exercises, fasts, or herbal colonics? Are you impure? Imperfect? Are you dirty and corrupt? Face it. There is really nothing wrong with you. You just want to get away from your mindset and don’t have a clue how to do it because you won’t admit that you have one. Your mindset loves this game because it dupes you into thinking you will rid yourself of gross imperfection when all the while it is expanding its scope beyond the mundane. Your deeper instincts tell you that you need to escape, but your mindset tricks you into making a false escape into a system not much different from itself. Look, your operative reality is a complete illusion to begin with. Now you want to fix or improve the illusion? Carl Jung showed impressive insight into this mindset dodge when he stated:

“People will do anything, no matter how absurd, in order to avoid facing their own souls. They will practice Indian Yoga in all its exercises, observe a strict regimen of diet, learn theosophy by heart, or mechanically repeat mystic texts from the literature of the whole world—all because they cannot get on with themselves and have not the slightest faith that anything useful could ever come out of their own souls.”

You begin these practices when you suspect that there is something wrong with the way you are. You meditate because you are unhappy in your mind and want to change it. But who makes that evaluation? The very mindset/illusion that you are hoping to transcend. Your mindset (controlled by the left hemisphere of your brain) tells you that your current state of localized consciousness is troubling, inadequate, or downright wrong. Let’s call that starting Point A. Your mindset tells you that everything will be much better once you leave Point A and move to Point B. How will you accomplish this? Your mindset tells you that you will need some sort of transformational tool or vehicle—a technique, method, practice, or discipline, some sort of system that will order and control your progress toward Point B. This is how your mindset limits you. It tells you that Point B is different from Point A and exists apart from it. Using some instrument of movement or change as a tool, you can, with time and effort—usually considerable time and a lot of effort—get from Point A to Point B. But in the quantum space of wave potential, there is no distinction between the two points. Point A is Point B. So what’s the point of selecting points in the first place? Besides, when you choose Point B over Point A, you create polarities, and a polarity always creates its opposite wave potential, thus increasing the possibility that by placing too much intent on what you want, you will be more likely to get what you don’t want.

Everything is given to you freely and unconditionally by a “loving” universe. I am qualifying the use of the word “loving” in order to move it outside of your mindset. This isn’t love as you have been taught to experience it. It is an open, uncaring love much different from what your mommy or some lover gives you. It is love as an energy, a frequency, a resonating force, an unconditional state of being. It is more like clean, fresh, sweet air that permeates you entirely with a buoyant, transformational vitality. If you want Point B, then have it. It was yours to begin with, but your mindset wants you to think it is separate and qualitatively different. Your giggling, upstairs mind knows better. It is your deliberative downstairs mind that can’t accept it because it is too easy and too simple. Choosing to meditate, for example, implies that there is something fundamentally wrong with your normally functioning consciousness. To get a better consciousness, you have to work for it, i.e., earn it. But the loving universe doesn’t expect you to have to earn anything. You are the active agent in this exchange. You simply need to allow yourself to have what you want. Meditating is just a way of doing something special which sets you apart from your lesser peers and makes you a member of a more highly-evolved group of people. Together you can, with your collective thoughts, intentions, and emotions, grow an ever-enlarging morphic field, which will give status and direction to more and more aspects of your life and further validate your mindset.

WAYVionics is a WAY of allowing the WAYV of quantum potential to become the basis of your reality. You no longer accommodate yourself to an external, circumstantial world of material forces pushing against your deepest inclinations. You no longer allow yourself to be defined by the struggle of your identity against outside opposition. In subtle body terms, you move your assemblage point. Otherwise, by taking the seemingly outside world to be outside and objectively real, you harden your mindset and your self-identity sufficiently to combat and control it, either to change it to suit your needs and wishes, or to defeat it completely by assuming total domination. This creates a vicious cycle in which your false persona hardens proportionately to the degree that it perceives the strength of the opposition to it. You harden the world’s opposition to you by increasingly hardening yourself (your ego or sense of Self based upon your mindset) to what you take to be an increasing external threat, which further hardens your own combative identity, and so on. This is the battle brought about by collapsing wave function into tangible polarities which feed one another. This is a battle you can’t win. The only way out is to stop polarizing and have a sleep-over when the whole situation loses its urgency and you can be silly and giggle. Of course you have the choice to accept what you perceive to be a raw struggle between impersonal forces beyond your capacity to control and, in the face of overwhelming resistance, just give up. WAYVionics contends that, on the contrary, don’t give up in the face of seeming defeat; give up giving it a face.

Your mindset is an unconscious delusional matrix in which your true Self is embedded. So powerful is this invisible matrix that it blinds you to the very existence of a true Self. If you were to consider even the possibility of having a true Self, it would be considered through the filter of the matrix. You see how deeply and thoroughly you are controlled by a matrix you habitually assume to be yourself? Your greatest obstacle to seeing past the matrix is the paralyzing fear of what may be on the other side of it. Even more frightening is the possibility that outside the matrix there is simply nothing at all—no-thing. This is exactly what quantum wave potential is, the energy field before anything is created or jelled by the observer. So you are afraid of the uncreated, the unmanifested. This is the bogey-man who isn’t there. He is the product of the matrix, your mindset.

Let’s consider the mindset in the context of gender. I am referring now to conventional or mainstream gender, heterosexual male and female. The male mindset is dominated by assertion and control, principally focused on problem-solving. All this is left-brain activity. The male always carries a psychological and emotional tool belt containing hammer, pliers, screwdriver, wrenches, drill, nuts, bolts, screws, nails, etc. He is problem-oriented, always looking around for something to fix. He is hard-headed and skeptical of anything he can’t relate to what he already knows, no matter how little that might be. He needs to recognize, name, and pigeonhole his experience. If he can’t hold it in his hand, it doesn’t exist. This is a grand generalization, of course. There are exceptions, but the basic inclination to affirm the left-brain mindset against all challenges is there. This is why so few men are open to things esoteric, mystical, or feeling-oriented such as WAYVionics.

Women are much less controlled by the left brain than men, but have just as rigid a mindset. They like to meddle based on how they feel about things. There is more right-brain activity involved, but not enough to offset a heavy reliance on manipulating the “way things are” into “the way things ought to be” by all means both hidden and overt. Agendas abound regardless of contradictions and inconsistencies, which the left-brain male finds maddening. Nonetheless, the female’s tolerance of these anomalies make her far more receptive to alternative ways of thinking and acting than the male can accept. She has less of a stake in appearing hard-nosed and in charge than he does. She is far more open to what a loose aggregate of shifting principles like WAYVionics has to offer than are most males. Still, her neural net harbors deeply-ingrained prejudices in favor of caring, nurturing, compassion, and iconic spiritual disciplines which embody these qualities, especially if they incorporate a distinctive lifestyle which features attention-getting clothes and accessories. Having a baby is perennially high on the female to-do list whatever the spiritual context may be. Again, this is a generalization with many permutations and a significant number of exceptions, but the overall pattern holds.

In sum, most males consider something like WAYVionics pure crap, while most females will consider it, if not welcome it, both for its novelty and resonant outsider wisdom, even though they will blithely adapt it to whatever their personal agenda happens to be. Thus, mindset prevails in either case.

Now, to what purpose is WAYVionics directed? If one identifies a purpose, then it is based on what is already known, and its possibilities are limited to that purpose. There is no wiggle room in the limitless field of quantum potential. So let’s throw out the label “purpose” for the more malleable “allowance”, which may at certain times suggest a vector, if only temporarily. “Alllowance” doesn’t always imply getting. Just as often, it can mean losing. When you allow, you don’t entertain preferences. This sounds like an endorsement of absolute chaos, which, in an alchemical sense, it is, being the nigredo or first stage of the alchemical process. The nigredo is a fluid stage of non-differentiation in which there is nothing and everything at once. It is a state of pure potential before distinctions are made and before consciousness collapses pure wave potential into matter. It is the state prior to the creation of a mindset. WAYVionics is the allowance for this pre-mindset state.

A mindset is a closed system. It does not exchange energy and information with anything outside itself. It is a neural configuration or pattern of a closed, self-limiting feedback. Ordinarily, feedback can be a transformative dynamic, allowing for incremental change, but in the case of a mindset, rather than using the feedback information to assess its own performance, it merely recognizes itself again and again in every situation as its own core reality. It’s not pretty, but it’s probably how you are.

Whatever your experience of reality may be, it is an interpretation, not a raw, objective perception of things as they are in themselves. What these words are saying to you at this moment is also an interpretation, a subjective distortion shaped by your mindset. So, the essential practice of WAYVionics is, first, to become aware of your mindset. It’s not that easy because it’s your mindset that first tells you to look for it, and that’s how you will look for it, according to its own limited potential and capabilities. Nevertheless, keep at it, second-guessing it, asking yourself repeatedly, “Is this my mindset? Is this my mindset?” Then try not to find it. After a while, you will bring it into consciousness so persistently that it will no longer be invisible, unconscious, and taken for granted.

Then begin to pay attention to what your mindset does for a living. What are its assumptions? What pleases it? What gets it upset? What is it doing when you aren’t paying attention to it? How does it manipulate you without your being aware that you are being manipulated? Make your mindset your prime suspect. Follow it. Set up a stakeout. Learn its routine. See where it goes and what it does. Attach a tracking device to it. Keep it under constant surveillance. Get a sense of your mindset’s overall mood or tenor. Is it generally angry, apprehensive, suspicious, religious, skeptical, sad, predatory, cynical, opportunistic, arrogant, smug, naïve, frivolous, sentimental, purely utilitarian, or basically happy (in the dualistic sense of sorrows and disappointments avoided as contrasting polarities)? You get the idea. Trust me, you’re going to get sick and tired of your mindset.

Now think of your mindset as if it were someone else. Think of it as Other, as someone other than yourself. Think about its personal qualities, its personality, its character, its strengths and weaknesses. Does it attract or repel you? Why? Remember that your mindset is no longer the you that is evaluating it. You are now, provisionally, like dust motes in a beam of sunlight compared to the thick, heavy block of your mindset. Your mindset could best be compared to the Borg cube in Star Trek. It is a hive mind focused on a single purpose, which is to perpetuate itself, and “Resistance is futile.” However, it is blind and stupid in its singularity of purpose. It can be infected by your awareness, which can spread through it more readily because of its monolithic nature. Its uniformity, its closed-system dynamic, is its weakness.

Let’s say that you have become aware of your mindset and how it works. Now you are better able to notice when it is gone or momentarily not working. There is always the matter of the “monkey mind” of Asian meditation fame, your idiotically chattering inner voice, which seemingly never stops. It’s one of those “extras” you get with your brain’s left hemisphere. It’s a mindset staple. I have found that after listening to this lunatic voice for a while, I can bring it to a halt by simply interrupting it with a suggestion. “Listen,” I say. “What you have been telling me is so fascinating, so important, that I want to be sure that I haven’t missed something. Let’s review.” I immediately get what I sense is a bewildered silence. Apparently, the yammering loon in my mind is unable to back up and assess it’s own monologue. This strategy may not work for you, but I have been surprised by its effectiveness in my case. It gives me a blank moment in which something else might surface that is outside of a mindset.

Beyond that, you will have blank moments of longer duration—moments of awareness empty of content. “My mind went blank,” is the usual description. But in the context of WAYVionics, the blank mind is the alert mind. In the moment of blankness, you are awake because your mindset is no longer spinning dreams for you in your usual sleeping state.

The classic example of the blank moment is when your mindset, dominated by your left-brain awareness, sends you to another room in your home or at work to get or to do something. When you get there, however, you can’t remember why you decided to go in the first place. Suddenly, you have no purpose, no direction, and no meaningful relation to where you are. This is usually when your left brain scrambles a flight of interceptors to bring you down to earth. In WAYVionics, this is a prime opportunity for an allowance. Instead of trying to gather your thoughts, or retracing your steps to jog your memory, or trying to remember what could possibly have been on your mind five minutes previously, you savor the emptiness of the moment. You float with the sensation and do the skull tap. You let that blank feeling flow down through your body with a sense of the floor dropping away below your feet like an express elevator heading for the sub-basement. You feel it in the pit of your stomach, in the hollow, empty space that were your legs. This is a defining moment of allowance, of freedom. Whenever you are anxious, perplexed, confused, frustrated, or angry, tap your Down button and ride the express elevator into an altered state. It’s where you really ought to be, where you really were meant to be, where you really are when you are really you.

Another allowance portal opens when you are abstracted, unfocused, staring into space, momentarily free of thought and emotion, momentarily free of the phony performing art you call your life. You know that feeling, but you have separated it from your ordinary, daily experience as if it has no relevance to what your mindset thinks is important and normally functional. Start blending that altered state, that somewhat woozy, out-of-it feeling into your operational awareness. Let it enfold your everyday activities with a softer focus, like seeing the world from outside as a remembered dream. Allow your imagination to play with this dream because once you can experience the urgently compelling nonsense of it as a dream, you realize that you can change it.

Now that you are getting free of your mindset, you will begin to notice the mindsets of others. People you have interactions with who previously seemed reassuringly normal in their behavior and concerns will suddenly strike you as at least odd, and at times even completely crazed. Their concerns will seem empty, their interests trivial and pointless, their enthusiasms even actively insane. They will act and appear like aliens newly-arrived from another galaxy who are having a devil of a time passing themselves off as aware, alert, intelligent humans. Often, the mimicry is clever, but not wholly convincing because it is seamless. There are no gaps. It never falters. It is utterly convinced of the impervious reality of its theatrical persona. This can be disconcerting, but you know in your heart that you can’t go back to the way you were, which was like them. You have seen through the fog of a colossal deception. You know what it feels like to be awake, to follow your own inner insights and intuitions, to listen to your heart. You have realized that there is something more, something greater behind and beyond the dark screen of the known you have been programmed to accept as the happy constraints of common sense.

In emphasizing the importance of deconstructing the mindset, I may have created the impression that the function of the left hemisphere of the brain is generally negative, completely useless, or actively destructive. Far from it. The left hemisphere enables you to feed yourself and find shelter. It enables you to formulate thoughts and to arrange them in a sequential order. It is the basis for abstract thought and communication through language. It allows you to identify problems and create the means to solve them (unfortunately, it can get obsessive-compulsive about this). It enables the ego to protect the integrity of the psyche. But it can be a bully. Unlike the right hemisphere of the brain, which is a parallel processor of information, the left hemisphere is a serial processor. It processes a ridiculously small amount of information in comparison, and it does so sequentially, like a string of railroad cars. The right hemisphere takes in everything at once without analysis or judgment. It cannot support a mindset. It is holistic and hyperdimensional. It is non-logical and non-rational. It is your connection to what has been called “universal mind”. But the left hemisphere thinks it knows better and insists on exerting control over what the right hemisphere is spontaneously experiencing, thus creating a mindset. The two hemispheres should be complimentary and work in unison. They should be “married” in the alchemical sense. By deconstructing your mindset, you allow access to the right hemisphere and to the limitless knowledge it has to offer. Honor the left hemisphere for what it can do, perhaps as you would a highly-intelligent, loyal and well-trained dog, but elevate the right hemisphere to an equal role in your overall awareness. Otherwise you will succumb to what William Blake called “Single vision and Newton’s sleep.”

Keeping what you have read so far in the forefront of your awareness, consider the deeper meaning of the following poem, a summary of WAYVionics practice:


Not drawn to either this or that,
My heart stirs waves unending.
Whatever comes will serve my turn,
Embraced with aim unbending.
My watch is kept with easy grace
That smiles without a care,
And much is wrought
Without a thought
When trust brings heart to bear.

  1. Not drawn to either this or that

    The first line refers to a state of non-judgment free of polarization. Wave potential is open and fluid. No discrimination has taken place. There is no opposition between what one desires and what one does not desire. Thus, no negative potential is created as a counter wave to a polarized positive desire.

  2. My heart stirs waves unending

    The second line refers to the electromagnetic torsion field of the heart, which is 5,000 times greater than that of the brain, and extends twelve or more feet outward from it. It is connected to the right hemisphere of the brain as a conduit for universal or cosmic consciousness. It is an expression of unconditional love, which is the ground-energy of the universe. This love is a frequency rather than an emotion. It is not attached to anything in an evaluative or possessive way. It does not want because it has no need. It has nothing to do with Valentine’s Day.

  3. Whatever comes will serve my turn

    The third line refers to a state of trust and acceptance. Good or bad has no relevance to this state. It transcends categories. Everything that happens is useful and potentially transformative. Your greater totality has made it that way.

  4. Embraced with aim unbending

    The fourth line refers to a welcoming attitude that accepts whatever comes without losing its fundamental, unwavering intent, which is to realize wholeness of being and maintain an open heart. This “intent” is not an act of will. It is the allowance spoken of earlier. It’s aim is unbending because there is nothing that opposes it.

  5. My watch is kept with easy grace

    The fifth line refers to an attitude of casual nonchalance by which one does not attach particular importance to progress or outcomes. There are no particular goals, no urgency or deadlines to be met. Whatever comes, comes in its own good time. To act otherwise would be to create excessive potential on the quantum level, which would result in an imbalance requiring unwelcome compensatory corrections.

  6. That smiles without a care

    The sixth line refers to a state of inner blissful confidence untroubled by doubt, apprehension, or anxiety. Good luck with that. It might come in an instant, but, given the heavy saturation of your mindset, it may seem to take assiduous sifting and winnowing to remove enough societal and cultural chaff to let the true Self come smiling through.

  7. And much is wrought

    The seventh line refers to how much your inner transformation will bring about in terms of altering the way you project your reality onto the seemingly external world around you. This all-encompassing dynamic will enable you to shape the “outside” world to suit your heart’s desire. This is unquestionably “much” to have shaped or “wrought” for your own use and delight.

  8. Without a thought

    The eighth line refers to the abandonment of conceptual, analytical, sequential thought in the realization of your heart’s fulfillment. The narrow operations of your brain’s left hemisphere cannot accommodate.

    the vast scope of your heart’s sensibility. It is everywhere at once and at the center point of nowhere without the least contradiction. Names, labels, concepts, and thought forms cannot contain it. What has been instrumental in forming your mindset from the beginning cannot deliver you from your self-created imprisonment and isolation. Thought isolates. Names imprison. Concepts fasten chains. There is more in a look than in a lifetime of conversation. There is no truth, only levels of meaning. The thinking mind wants the truth, but only the heart can know the meaning of it.

  9. When trust brings heart to bear

    The ninth and last line embodies the poem as a whole. The preceding eight lines describe the conditions leading to the formation of an attitude of complete trust—trust in yourself, trust in the universe, trust in the unknowable. When complete trust is present, the heart is brought to bear, not only upon one’s self and one’s life, but upon the entire interconnected universe. The heart’s influence is omnipresent throughout the fabric of existence. It is the self-reflective dimension of an incomprehensibly vast source whose nature is the fondness in allowance itself. Fond, in its original sense, means silly or foolish. Love, as it is popularly understood, is a serious matter. It is a pledge, a commitment, a dedication, and a sacrifice. It carries responsibilities and consequences. In its transcendent form as fond allowance, it is silly, giggly, playful, and careless. It is the sleep-over in the upstairs room, the game of hide-and-seek, the delight in the inappropriate.

    Transcendent love misbehaves. It is irresponsible, lavishly indulgent, and frivolously indiscriminate, but its fondness feeds the heart. If you can give up your mindset, it will play with you.

    WAYVionics is child-like in spirit and, on a practical level, completely iconoclastic. If it could be said to have an aim, it would be to teach you how to live without a mindset at all. This means that the central authority of your self-identity would be discarded, not as an act of deliberate destruction, but as the inevitable result of a growing indifference. Your mindset simply will no longer sustain your sense of reality as something stable, consistent, and well-defined because it will have lost its claim on your attention. It will have become tediously unimaginative, predictable, and boring. It’s actually pretty damned claustrophobic, if you think about it. The difference between your mindset and the space of allowance is the same as the difference between the magician who performs the magic, and the magic itself. When you lose your mindset, you no longer create an illusion, you become the magic. See? There is no longer a partition, a separation between yourself and magical transformation. You are no longer outside of it, working to produce a semblance of the miraculous. You yourself are the participating miracle. Now, there is only the One Thing without separation or division. The tricks are over.