[Excerpt Be and Become, © ProCreative, Sydney 2000]

Key Concepts (overview of Chapter Four):

  1. Reliance upon science (via our time-delayed physical senses of sight, hearing, touch, taste and smell) has biased Western cultures towards believing that the physical, material world is the prime reality.
  2. We have largely been “blind” to glaring inconsistencies in our thinking for around 2,300 years (since the time of Greek philosopher Zeno of Elea).
  3. Zeno questioned how movement was possible (assuming time and space to be infinitely divisible - 'perfectly continuous').
  4. By relying on the theory of limits Western philosophers and scientists have skirted the implications of Zeno’s paradoxes.
  5. Reconsideration of Zeno’s paradoxes in light of the experimental evidence of quantum physics leads us one to recognise that our (Western /mechanistic /scientific) 'clock-work universe' models no longer fit observable reality.
  6. Similar to Galilean times (telescope /new cosmology) recent discoveries, experiments and technologies (quantum physics /double-slit experiment) have revealed our prevailing scientific cosmology/world views are "flat" (useful and correct only within small, limited and relatively superficial contexts).
  7. Reconsideration of Zeno’s paradoxes leads to the realisation that the “space-time continuum” in which we exist cannot be a perfectly continuous, smooth,  infinitely-divisible “continuum.”
  8. Time must be discontinuous. Physical reality (and everything within it) must repeatedly be cycling into form at very high rates.
  9. The immeasurably fast cycling into physical form gives the appearance of smooth motion, much like the projection of a many-frames-per-second film through a film projector gives the illusion of continuous movement and action. Some engineers and scientists estimate our physical universe is newly cycling into form somewhere around around 18.5 x 1042 times per second (the inverse of the Planck time)
  10. Quantum research shows all matter and energy exhibits a “wave-particle” duality.
  11. The wave is representative of the particle’s possible futures. There is an infinity of possible futures for each particle (and hence each physical system).
  12. The wave is immeasurable, in that as soon as a wave-particle quantum has been measured (observed) it collapses from wave into particle—that is to say, “it” collapses from infinite possibility into finite actuality.
  13. All matter and energy exhibits the inseparable duality (“toality”) of the Known (measured-particle) and the Unknowable (immeasurable-wave).
  14. A quantum wave is the pattern (map) of the collective potential and behavior of particles.
  15. Quantum research confirms via the Uncertainty Principle that physical matter must fundamentally remain Unknowable (“spiritual”).
  16. There can be no complete perfect Knowing (definition, measurement, observation) of matter and energy.
  17. Quantum physics shows that reality has an in-built unknowable mysteriousness which cannot be fully known.
  18. Physical reality is probabilistic, in that there is no perfect determinism.
  19. Since physical reality (and everything and everyone within it) is rapidly and repeatedly emerging into physical form, the Cause (source) for all that is experienced cannot be physical. i.e.the Cause (or source) for physical reality must be “spiritual” (non-physical and nonlocal).
  20. For an ordered reality to occur, everyone and everything must be “nonlocally” interconnected.
  21. The theoretical and experimental proof of nonlocality (Bell’s Theorem) forms a scientific basis for accepting that everything and everyone is instantaneously interconnected on an unconscious, non-physical level.
  22. There must be a collective (instinctive, systemic) intent for all matter and energy to cooperatively emerge into form (in unison) to form this seemingly stable, predictable, fixed, world.
  23. Since we are nonlocally interconnected with all else, we cannot completely and categorically divide or separate ourselves from all else. Some unknowable “part” of us is, in some sense, all of everything.
  24. The unknowable essence within each of us must be the totality of all. Hence physical reality is holographic—the part within the whole and the whole within the part.
  25. We are each individual (partial) representations of this “undivided wholeness.”
  26. Concerning precognition: since all is interconnected, we must be unconsciously (nonlocally) aware of other now moments in space and time.
  27. With the benefit of quantum physics research (namely, delayed choice experiments), we can appreciate that unconscious and conscious awareness ("precognition") of future possibilities is a necessary mechanism that helps determine present reality.
  28. (... see book text for more detail. )