This section 'From the beginning' begins to tie together the seemingly unrelated aspect of quantum mechanics, intuition, responsibility, mind and the deeper nature of consciousness.

[Excerpt Be and Become, © ProCreative, Sydney 2000]

Up to this point in the book, I have focused on how we each might be 100% responsible for our circumstances. Notwithstanding the undeniable universality of the known-unknowable duality, I have introduced quantum physical facts and theories which I believe go a long way towards explaining the broad framework of how we do indeed create, or attract all our circumstances.

The phenomenon of nonlocality is part of a framework of understanding which can be used to explain how reality works from any perspective. I believe the mathematical and experimental verification of nonlocality will inevitably emerge as being one of the most significant scientific developments of any era. Some physicists certainly believe it is. It provides a scientific basis to accept such phenomena as intuition, precognition and remote viewing (clairvoyance). More significantly however, is that it forms the basis for understanding how all things (including animate and inanimate matter) are able to form their experiences.

Having said that, it is appropriate at this point to consider how nonlocality in conjunction with the wave-particle duality model can begin to be meaningfully used to explain the broad field of existence.

In Chapter Four, I suggested that we are continually cycling in phase in conjunction with the reality that we experience. I also suggested that we would need to be somehow “aware” of all the possibilities for us to be able to consistently and meaningfully “choose” any one particular reality. Also, everything else that forms our physical reality—the rocks, plants, trees, houses and fax machines would also need to somehow be meaningfully “choosing” to coexist with us.

Otherwise, reality would be a random chaotic mess—nothing would exist in stable form. Also suggested in previous chapters was the idea that the reality we experience is a result of our own emotional and intellectual makeup.

The questions to consider at this point then are how it is that the world happens to be so stable and well-coordinated. If reality functions as I’ve explained then it is a profoundly cooperative one. But how does everything “know” what to do and how to do it?

Perhaps we can begin by remembering that all aspects of physical reality are the aftereffects of consciousness1..As American scientist Dr. Elisabet Sahtouris recently admitted:

Our physicists and our astronomers are now bumping into data that is forcing them to see the cosmos as primarily conscious. Consciousness as the source of evolution rather than the product of evolution. This has been creeping up in science for 50 years since quantum theory was first proposed and now we have 50 years of evidence that life is intelligent from its initial bacterial stages and that the universe is permeated by non-material energies which are actually causing the creation of the physical world.2

Science as mentioned in Chapter Three is generally concerned with effective manipulations of these after-effects. Science if you like generally limits its study to how to more effectively “control” physical Effects to produce other physical Effects. Scientists for example manipulate the physical Effect called “light” to create another physical Effect called “lasers.” Scientists would say the cause for lasers (the effect) was coherent light. But coherent light is an effect of some deeper Cause. I would not suggest that scientists don’t ever find physical causes for the physical effects in our everyday world—rather that they cannot know the absolute fundamental Cause for anything.

The Cause for the physical reality (Effect) we experience is largely in the Unknowable realm(s). So it is prudent to feel beyond physical reality to gain some sense of how we do indeed create our reality. I say feel, because as suggested in the previous chapter it is our emotions which tie us in with our wave nature, which as you will recall, “interconnects” us with all else and thus guides us to meaningfully and consistently “harmonise” with existing reality.

In light of my earlier statements that business executives will be required to focus more on where they are headed, rather than on where they have been, we can expect to see a greater emphasis upon “gut feelings” rather than an emphasis upon more and more complex analyses of the existing business world circumstances. In other words,

In an increasingly fast-paced world, it is not simply a matter of thinking faster or working harder, but also of feeling deeper.

The foregoing idea that we need to feel deeper is in recognition of the fact that the future can only be felt, it cannot be predicted or intellectually analyzed. Once again it is our emotions (gut feelings) which tie us in with the wide (infinite) range of future possibilities. We can better appreciate the differences between rational reasoning abilities to those of intuitive abilities by recognizing that:

Precognition (gut feeling) is an unbounded, unlimited, parallel“computational process.”
Intellectual reasoning is a limited, bounded serial “computational process.”

 It should be readily appreciated that intuition is far superior to the serial step-by-step intellectual consideration of future possibilities. In fact, in view of the infinite range of possibilities ahead of us at each point, one can never succeed by attempting to intellectually analyze the future. This is an exceptionally important point to realize for it provides the seeds for understanding how business leaders, and indeed everyone, can more confidently deal with the future. In order to better negotiate the increasingly fast-paced and complex world, we have no alternative but to learn how to “feel” ahead in time. By better using our intuition, we can “feel” the possibilities ahead and choose those which will lead to the successful solidification of our desires and goals.

It needs to be said that it is our conscious reasoning abilities and physical action which solidifies possibility into actuality. Successful reality creation requires a complementary utilization of both intuition and reason. In view of the foregoing, it should come as no surprise to learn that

surveys of thousands of successful executives, managers and entrepreneurs indicate that the majority of them have, for years, counted on gut hunches ... in nearly all important decisions and interactions.3

As was pointed out in Chapter Two, the use of intuition is of primary importance in making new discoveries and in developing new theories and ideas. Business managers and leaders simply cannot afford to avoid trusting their gut feelings—as Peter Senge observed:

People with high levels of personal mastery ... cannot afford to choose between reason and intuition, or head and heart, any more than they would choose to walk on one leg or see with one eye.4

A very meaningful consideration at this point becomes that of how consciousness in itsvarious forms, combines to create the reality we experience. What is the “divide” or interplay between the unconscious, subconscious and conscious minds? Once again, recall that physical reality is the after-effect of mind. Refer Table 5.2.

Table 5.2. Congealing consciousness




Physical Reality






Reason, Logic

At-once, everywhere

Here, localised

Physical matter, including our bodies is congealed consciousness (thoughts and feelings). It is therefore beneficial to consider how the various “portions” of our mind interact to form reality, rather than considering which physical Effects are producing other physical Effects. In other words, looking for a particular gene (physical Effect) which might explain alcoholism, for example, is to me a secondary or ancillary investigation of how reality functions.

Alcoholics might have a gene (physical Effect) which predisposes them to drink, but the Cause for them having that gene in the first place must reside in their consciousness, for otherwise they would not be 100% responsible for their existence. Therefore any meaningful search would concern their consciousness—what is it about their beliefs which causes them to be dependent upon a drug (alcohol)? What is the Cause of the emotional void in their lives which motivates them to attempt to fill it with a physical Effect (alcohol). Once again, I have correlated Cause with Consciousness, and Effect with physical reality. It needs to be remembered that the “toality” of the Known and the Unknowable requires that the Cause (Consciousness) will be both Known (egoconscious awareness) and Unknowable (unconscious, collective unconscious, spirit, soul, higher self etc.).

  • 1. The term “Consciousness” is used throughout this book to mean a mental/emotional energy, which includes our thoughts and feelings. Consciousness is an indivisible combination of conscious, subconscious and deeply unconscious processes (including what we might call our soul, the collective unconscious and God. Hence the affirmation by Jesus that “The Kingdom of God is within you”)
  • 2. Excerpt of an interview with Dr. Elizabet Sahtouris, conducted during the Earthbeat program on Australian Broadcasting Commission’s (ABC’s) Radio National station. Saturday, 13 March 1999.
  • 3. Robert Cooper and Ayman Sawaf, Executive EQ, Orion Business Books, London 1997, page 2.
  • 4. Peter M. Senge, The Fifth Discipline, Random House Australia, Sydney 1992, page 168.