This section 'Limited ego, unlimited unconscious' analyses and tables the polarities of individuality and the deeper 'spiritual' connectedness, and potentials of the human psyche.

[Excerpt Be and Become, © ProCreative, Sydney 2000]

Throughout the last few thousand years, overall people have been (particularly in Western cultures) predominantly particle orientated—concerned mostly with increasing their physical manipulation and use of the exterior physical world. Technology is a particularly beneficial and effective result of that particle focus.

Within such a strong cultural bias towards the particle-technological nature, our wave nature or more correctly, our awareness of it has been ignored—were it not it would give many of us an awareness of being deeply interconnected with nature and the world at large. Recall from the previous chapter’s analogy of the wave-at-a-beach, that when you become the wave your awareness connects with all the wave encounters as it approaches the beach.

In regards to our true nonlocal wave nature we are connected with everything and everyone, across space and time. This of course leads us to recognize that just as the universe is infinite, so too are our psyches: infinite in depth and scope. In practical day-to-day terms we identify with only a small portion of our potential awareness: an identification which we call the ego. It is often said that we use only 10% of our brains, which implies the brain (and by this line of thinking, our mind) is limited by the other 90%.

Very few scientists have yet suggested that we use only a finite (limited) portion of our unlimited unknowable minds. Attempting to quantify our abilities simply limits our unlimited potential. Refer Table 5.1.

Table 5.1. Small ego, endless spirit

“together with”

"separate from"


Physical Reality





Mind (Gestalt)

Mind (Ego)





The identification with the ego is to a certain extent a necessary function of physical survival. But as I will show later in this book it is time to move beyond the limited identification with the Western local version of the ego which sees the world “out-there” as being entirely separate from oneself.

In this respect, and in reference to the holographic model, overall the human race is still largely in the stage of child-adolescent, not yet having sufficiently established its own identity, uniqueness and sense of self. The race as a whole is still in the stage of exploring its separateness.

If we reflect upon the normal development of a human child into adolescence and then into
adulthood, we recognize that the child needs to develop its own identity separate from its parents. Where that separation from is inhibited by immature and insecure parents, then we generally observe rebelliousness in the child. Intuitively, a child knows that it is supposed to develop its own unique, independent sense of self.

As a race we have been developing our sense of self and separation from our parent source (Father-spirit and Mother-Earth) for the last few millennia. As mentioned above, we have done so by being technologically focused, a focus which profoundly separates us from our spiritual, non-material sources. Once again, in terms of the “spiritual” (infinite, Unknowable, Wave) vs. the physical (Finite, Known, Particle) model, technology is a result of being particle orientated.

The foregoing has important implications in the present competitive business world.